P.C Cast confirma AWAKENED para enero del 2011

P.C Cast actualizo su blog el 02/10 y en el nos cuenta que esta trabajando a full en awakened...

tambien nos dice que no tiene novedades de la pelicula de marcada, pero que espera tenernos noticias muy pronto.
les dejo una parte de lo que escribio y el link para que puedan leerlo por completo.
"Well, I'm home in Tulsa (the view out of my front door) working like crazy on AWAKENED! Yes, it'll be released January 4th. No, I can't write any faster - just thinking about my due date makes me want to run shrieking down that lane!
I don't have any firm movie update, though I am excited about the direction my producer is taking and hope to have good news for all of you soon soon soon! "

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